Category: World

  • Rapid Reconstruction of Post-war North Eastern Sri Lanka

    India is visible in country’s development Passikudah Beach is one of the best beaches in the world. One can enjoy in the shallow waters of the sea and get distressed. It is a very near to Dambulla, where the historic citadel of Sigiriya rests atop the gigantic rock. One can experience the traditional Sri Lankan…

  • Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places

    Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places We know so little about our neighbouring countries was realised by me during my six days visit to Sri Lanka in the second week of December 2018. I was the part of the 23-member delegation of the Indian Federation of Working Journalists, which travelled to many places in…

  • Muslims and Buddhists clash in Myanmar and Sri Lanka

    By: Parmanand Pandey The news of clash between Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka seems to be quite strange because it is alleged that Buddhists are leading the attacks and vandalism. If it is so—it is really condemnable and needs to be curbed with iron hands. It is strange in the sense because…

  • Killing of Osama: Pak Exposed

    Parmanand Pandey The precise 40 minute military operation carried out by American navy to kill Osama Bin Laden on the last May 1 at Abbottabad (Pakistan) was absolutely marvellous and breathtaking. This was really unprecedented from many angles. The operation has completely exposed the duplicity and blatant lie of Pakistani authorities for whom Osama Bin…


    By Parmanand Pandey The enormity of death and destruction by horrific Tsunami and trembler in Japan is heartrending, to say the least. It is worst tragedy in the known history in terms of loss of men and material. It has again made us feel that man is helpless before the nature. Every scientific development has…