Category: Books

  • Absorbing and Compelling Biography of Savarkar

    Parmanand Pandey There are some path-breaking books which open the eyes of the readers. The two-volume biography of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar by Vikram Sampath is certainly one of them. The first volume titled as ‘Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past’ covered his life from 1883 to 2023. It was published in 2019 and talks about…

  • The Man Before Mahatma: A Well Researched Book

    All of us have read many articles, essays and even books on the life history of Mahatma Gandhi.  His autobiography “my experiment with truth” has been one of the most popular books not only in India but throughout the world. Mahatma Gandhi himself has written that he was a ‘very timid and shy person’ in…

  • Veer Savarkar: A Matchless Revolutionary

      The life history of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is so touching and heart-wrenching that it moves even a stone-hearted person. The way he escaped from the ship S.S. Morea which was bringing him from Britain to India at Marseilles port of France was a hair-raising story of unprecedented courage and adventure. If the silly and stupid…

  • Saga of The East India Company: From Trade to Empire

    Review of the Book ‘The Anarchy’ by Parmanand Pandey The history of India during the Mughal and the British Rule had been the history of loot, plunder, rape, rapine, murder, mass killings, brutality and bestiality. It was more horrible during the British rule which, came with East India Company. Millions of people were allowed to…

  • Book in the Glory of Goddess Called Cow

    There are three inanimate and most revered ingredients of Hinduism and they are the Gai (Cow), the Ganga, and Gayatri. The importance of all three has been described in the Hindu scriptures. While the Gai and Ganga are worshipped in the mundane form and Gayatri mantra serves as the means of spiritual exaltation. Hinduism is…

  • Books not to be banned on hue and cry of vested groups

    Parmanand Pandey No other literary book, in recent years, has created so much controversy and organized opposition as ‘One Part Woman’ of a Tamil writer Dr. Perumal Murugan. Although its opposition was confined mainly to Tamilnadu, yet it was quite intense and violent as well. Governments in our country are known for buckling under pressure…

  • ‘half girlfriend’, A Riveting Book

    I am a slow reader and that is why, almost ten days back, my younger son Utkarsh gave me ‘half girlfriend’, the latest book of Chetan Bhagat and I took five days to finish it. In fact, I steal time for such readings and can afford the luxury of reading any book, magazine or even…


    I have today finished reading the book ‘Swaraj’ written by Arvind Kejariwal who resigned from the Chief Ministership of Delhi last evening. He remained the Chief Minster for just only 49 days. This book was given to me by my Advocate friend Shri Radhakrishna Kumar, who is very emotional person. Shri Kumar has been earlier…