Category: Legal commentary

  • Make Hindi the Language of the Supreme Court and High Courts

    One will have to admire the honesty of the Chief Justice of India for his confession of being a non-sophisticated speaker in the English language. In fact, what he has said about himself is truer about most of the lawyers and judges of the country. Only a minuscule minority having had the privilege of getting…

  • Absorbing and Compelling Biography of Savarkar

    Parmanand Pandey There are some path-breaking books which open the eyes of the readers. The two-volume biography of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar by Vikram Sampath is certainly one of them. The first volume titled as ‘Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past’ covered his life from 1883 to 2023. It was published in 2019 and talks about…

  • The Man Before Mahatma: A Well Researched Book

    All of us have read many articles, essays and even books on the life history of Mahatma Gandhi.  His autobiography “my experiment with truth” has been one of the most popular books not only in India but throughout the world. Mahatma Gandhi himself has written that he was a ‘very timid and shy person’ in…

  • Veer Savarkar: A Matchless Revolutionary

      The life history of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is so touching and heart-wrenching that it moves even a stone-hearted person. The way he escaped from the ship S.S. Morea which was bringing him from Britain to India at Marseilles port of France was a hair-raising story of unprecedented courage and adventure. If the silly and stupid…

  • Saga of The East India Company: From Trade to Empire

    Review of the Book ‘The Anarchy’ by Parmanand Pandey The history of India during the Mughal and the British Rule had been the history of loot, plunder, rape, rapine, murder, mass killings, brutality and bestiality. It was more horrible during the British rule which, came with East India Company. Millions of people were allowed to…

  • Book in the Glory of Goddess Called Cow

    There are three inanimate and most revered ingredients of Hinduism and they are the Gai (Cow), the Ganga, and Gayatri. The importance of all three has been described in the Hindu scriptures. While the Gai and Ganga are worshipped in the mundane form and Gayatri mantra serves as the means of spiritual exaltation. Hinduism is…

  • More Jobs, not Reservations, will Help Ease the Tension

    The 124th Constitution amendment, which has now become a law, is aimed at giving 10% reservation in education and government jobs for people belonging to economically weaker sections of the general category. The Amendment Bill was introduced by the government amid criticism by the opposition, which termed the move as a pre-election gimmick. However, with…

  • Witness Protection is Necessary for Fair Justice

    Parmanand Pandey The Supreme Court has again voiced its concern for the safety of witnesses, particularly in criminal cases. The criminal justice is essentially an adversarial system, where the cases are decided on the basis of evidence, be it documentary or oral. Therefore, witnesses play a vital role in facilitating to arrive at correct findings.…

  • What India can learn from appointment process of the US Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh

    The American public recently witnessed appointment of a US Supreme Court judge Brett S. Kavanaugh, which was extremely partisan, controversial and fraught with emotions. The Indian judiciary can learn a lot from this appointment process. If we keep aside all the controversies of the appointment and focus on the process itself, what stands out is…

  • Live-Streaming of Court Proceedings is a Welcome Step

    Live- streaming of court proceedings is a momentous and laudable decision of the Supreme Court of India. This will, without doubt, bring about transparency in the courts. Incidentally, the first step in this direction was taken in November 2017, when the bench headed by the CJI Dipak Misra directed that the proceedings of two courts…