Author: Parmanand Pandey

  • Rapid Reconstruction of Post-war North Eastern Sri Lanka

    India is visible in country’s development Passikudah Beach is one of the best beaches in the world. One can enjoy in the shallow waters of the sea and get distressed. It is a very near to Dambulla, where the historic citadel of Sigiriya rests atop the gigantic rock. One can experience the traditional Sri Lankan…

  • Man Alone is not the Author of Adultery

    Is adultery law in India not offensive to the dignity of the women? Does it not treat women as the chattel of her husband? Is it not discriminatory against men and therefore repugnant to the equality of men and women? These are the questions which have been agitating the men and women both from the…

  • Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places

    Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places We know so little about our neighbouring countries was realised by me during my six days visit to Sri Lanka in the second week of December 2018. I was the part of the 23-member delegation of the Indian Federation of Working Journalists, which travelled to many places in…

  • Retweeting does not Extenuate Defamation

    Technology has, without doubt, brought immeasurable relief to humanity but at the same time it has also brought along the store of difficulties and embarrassment if that is not used judiciously. Thanks to technology one can get information from one end of the globe to the other in a few seconds, but it can also…

  • Strong Message to Forum-shoppers and Aberrant Judges

    An eminent jurist Benjamin Cardozo has said that ‘the judge is not a knight-errant, roaming at will in pursuit of his own ideal of beauty and goodness.’ Another jurist Felix Frankfurter has said that ‘for the highest exercise of judicial duty is to subordinate once personal pulls and private views to the law of which…

  • Prevention of Surrogacy Bazar in India

    The proposed Surrogacy Bill is draconian and flies in the face of Article 14 and 21 of the constitution Filmmaker Karan Johar has made us all aware how ecstatic he is at having become the father of twins born to a surrogate mother. As a single father, he would have been well aware that there…

  • Video Recordings to end the Opacity in the Courts

    Parmanand Pandey It is an oft-repeated saying that ‘sunlight is the best disinfectant’. There is no denying that transparency in every sphere of life works like auto-cleaner while the opacity breeds suspicion and corruption. It is, therefore, indeed laudable that the Supreme Court has taken up the cause of transparency in the right earnest by…

  • Murder of Arushi Remains an Enigmatic Mystery

    There are some criminal cases, which remain deeply etched in the public memory for a long time to come. These cases evoke enormous interest and shake the conscience of the public. People feel fear, horror, brutality, mechanism, conspiracy, and execution associated with such criminal cases. In criminal law, two components are necessary to prove the…

  • Privacy Cannot Override National Interests

    By Parmanand Pandey A big debate is going on throughout the country with regard to linking of Adhaar Card with the bank accounts, mobile numbers and many other necessary services. There is a section of the society, which vehemently opposes it because it will violate the privacy of a citizen. The recent Supreme Court judgement…

  • How Can a Feeble ‘No’ of the Woman be Her Consent?

    Two recent judgements of Delhi and Punjab & Haryana High Courts resulting in the acquittal of accused persons, convicted by lower courts in rape cases, have created aflutter across the country. While the Delhi High Court has acquitted a high-profile filmmaker Mahmood Farooqui, who came into limelight for his film ‘Peepli Live’, which was themed…