Month: July 2020

  • Bewildering Cry of Omar Abdullah

    Omar Abdullah, the former Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir has expressed his extreme frustration in an article in a newspaper by declaring that he would not contest any election in future till the status quo ante of the state is restored. Can there be any consolation to his wishful thinking except pitying him? The…

  • Karna’s Wife: The Outcast’s Queen is a Tribute to a Great Warrior

    In our area, there is an unwritten prohibition for not keeping the book Mahabharat in the home. The popular belief is that who keep Mahabharat in their house, they unwittingly invite quarrels and struggles in their own families. Superstition has no logic. So, people read it in bits and pieces. My acquaintance of Mahabharat was…

  • O, Christ! Forgive Justice Banumathi for Attributing Her Rise to Only Your Grace

    Justice R Banumathi, who retired today as the Judge of the Supreme Court thanked Jesus Christ more than once in her farewell speech organized by the Supreme Court Bar Association for making her what she is. It was uncalled for her to have uttered that ‘though she is a Hindu, she believes in the gospel…

  • Three Cs (Communism, Christianity and China) are Causing Rift Between Nepal and India

    It is cliché to say that the Nepal-India relationship is very old. In fact, it is inseparable, and the credit goes to the people of both countries. If something turns wrong between India and Nepal, the palpitation of the hearts of the people on both sides automatically go up. Sometimes misunderstandings develop and then the…

  • Hindi Must be Declared the State Language of J& K and Ladakh

    There is an almost an outcry from Jammu and Ladakh regions to declare Hindi as the State language. There is some opposition, of course, from the valley and the reason is obvious but that is totally misplaced. Hindi is compulsorily taught in all schools across all three regions. The dialects that are spoken in Jammu,…

  • Devil cannot Quote Scriptures, Vinay Dube Must be Sternly Dealt with

    You cannot expect the security forces, including the police, to wear the ‘rule of law’ on its sleeve to deal with such criminals, who care two hoots for the law and other human beings. Therefore, Yogi Adityanath government is fully justified in razing the house of that notorious outlaw Vinay Dube so as to nab…