Month: January 2018

  • Let Volcanic Eruption in the Supreme Court be a Blessing

    Sometimes blessings come in disguise. The sanguine hope is that the volcano that has erupted in the Supreme Court of India on 12th of January in an unprecedented press conference of four seniormost puisne judges will bring good results for the catharsis of the judiciary. It was like a tremor in the Indian judicial history…

  • Rapid Reconstruction of Post-war North Eastern Sri Lanka

    India is visible in country’s development Passikudah Beach is one of the best beaches in the world. One can enjoy in the shallow waters of the sea and get distressed. It is a very near to Dambulla, where the historic citadel of Sigiriya rests atop the gigantic rock. One can experience the traditional Sri Lankan…

  • Man Alone is not the Author of Adultery

    Is adultery law in India not offensive to the dignity of the women? Does it not treat women as the chattel of her husband? Is it not discriminatory against men and therefore repugnant to the equality of men and women? These are the questions which have been agitating the men and women both from the…

  • Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places

    Sri Lanka Abounds With Breathtaking Beautiful Places We know so little about our neighbouring countries was realised by me during my six days visit to Sri Lanka in the second week of December 2018. I was the part of the 23-member delegation of the Indian Federation of Working Journalists, which travelled to many places in…