Month: May 2011

  • Castration of Culprits: Medicine Worse Than Disease

    Parmanand Pandey A judge of Delhi, Ms Kamini Lau has suggested that the punishment to the convicts of rape case should be made exemplary and extremely deterrent. Her main suggestion, however, is that instead of increasing the period of incarceration of a rape-culprit to life imprisonment or putting him gallows, he should be chemically castrated.…

  • Mamata’s Historic Win in West Bengal

    Parmanand Pandey Massive victory of Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal assembly elections is satisfying, momentous and epoch making. Marxists have been blown after 34 years of uninterrupted rule in the strong gale of Mamata’s popularity. Actually, it has been set in the psyche of the people for the last nearly two decades that the Marxists…

  • Killing of Osama: Pak Exposed

    Parmanand Pandey The precise 40 minute military operation carried out by American navy to kill Osama Bin Laden on the last May 1 at Abbottabad (Pakistan) was absolutely marvellous and breathtaking. This was really unprecedented from many angles. The operation has completely exposed the duplicity and blatant lie of Pakistani authorities for whom Osama Bin…