Category: Journalism

  • Who will Speak for Non-Celebrity Journalists

    Some journalists telephoned me yesterday to know my reaction about the easing out of some media persons from the ABP News. I told them that the natural reaction of any trade union organisation or its office- bearers will be to condemn the decision of the management. Therefore, my reaction as the Secretary-General of the Indian…

  • Nation Wants to Know Why Tanvi Seth was Issued Passport in Tearing Hurry?

    Can anyone be converted from one religion to the other within five minutes of heated exchange of words? This is well-nigh impossible, but it is what a couple-Tanvi Seth and her husband Anas Siddiqui-makes us believe, that too, after 12 years of their marriage. The lady Tanvi Seth has alleged that an official of the…

  • leading case related to newspaper employees

    The Majithia Wage Board case as decided by the Supreme Court of India is a is a landmark one for journalists after the Indian Express case of 1958 decided by Five Judge bench. It concerns with lakhs of newspaper workers of the country. Many Contempt Petitions have been filed against the newspaper owners for not…

  • Should media persons play the role of judges?

    ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ is a cliché. That is why, a wag has said in a seminar at Mumbai that ‘why not appoint the media persons as the judges in all courts?’  In his view, trial by media is most inexpensive and expeditious way of delivery. There is a no need for the police…

  • Is it fair journalism?

    On Sunday evening, I was leisurely watching news on different news channels, when suddenly my cell phone rang. The lady speaking from the other side wanted to know of my reaction about the alleged attack on TV Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai outside the Madison Square in New York. I simply told her that our…

  • Rajdeep , this is not done!

    On Sunday evening, I was leisurely watching news on different news channels, when suddenly my cell phone rang. The lady speaking from the other side wanted to know of my reaction about the alleged attack on TV Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai outside the Madison Square in New York. I simply told her that our…

  • Need for formidable and unfettered media

    By Parmanand Pandey Among the many roles that the media has to play is the building of a just and egalitarian society with emphasis to inclusive growth. It has not only to serve as the mirror of society-be it good, bad, ugly or beautiful as is often stated by some people. It has to see…


    By: Parmanand Pandey Justice Markanday Katju, most of the times, makes an ass of himself by his totally unconvincing, illogical, partisan and ridiculous statements. Right from the time he has become the Chairman of the Press Council of India he has developed the unquenchable thirst for publicity for right or wrong reasons and that is…

  • Notify Majithia Recommendations

    Parmanand Pandey The Confederation of All India Newspaper and News Agency Employee Organisations organised today i.e. 24th March 2011 an impressive demonstration outside Shram Shakti Bhawan, situated at Rafi Marg of New Delhi for immediate notification of the recommendations of the Majithia Wage Board for newspaper and news agency employees. Shram Shakti is the headquarters…

  • Media Must Go For Self – Introspection

    By Parmanand Pandey Supercilious and self-righteous conscience keepers of media persons were up in arms when they learnt that the West Bengal police have arrested a top ranking Maoist leader from Lalgarh disguising as journalists. The policemen posed themselves as the correspondents of a foreign newspaper. They took the help of a local journalist to…