Author: Parmanand Pandey


    By Parmanand Pandey The enormity of death and destruction by horrific Tsunami and trembler in Japan is heartrending, to say the least. It is worst tragedy in the known history in terms of loss of men and material. It has again made us feel that man is helpless before the nature. Every scientific development has…

  • Quashing of CVC’s appointment is laudable

    Parmanand Pandey The Supreme Court of India by striking down the appointment of the Central Vigilance Commissioner has done a commendable job in the public interest. It has retrieved the constitutional dignity to a large extent, which has been going down very rapidly in the recent years. Some people say that Mr. Thomas should have…

  • Strike by Lawyers Can Have No Logic

    Parmanand Pandey I have always been of the view that lawyers have no legal, ethical or social right to go on strike unless, of course, something egregious has happened which has bearings on the safety, security of the people and the country. Now we hear that lawyers in Uttar Pradesh have gone on agitation for…

  • K.G. Balakrishnan Must Resign From NHRC Chairman

    Parmanand Pandey Shri K.G. Balakrishnan, Ex-chief Justice of India and presently the Chairman of Human Rights Commission is doing more damage to the institution of judiciary than to himself by clinging on to the post without any sense of shame or remorse. Now when it has come to light that he and his relatives have…

  • Dilemma of what to do or not to do?

    By Parmanand Pandey This is the second part of my previous post which is completely based on my personal experience. The aforementioned workers-Durga Prasad Tewari and Subodh Prakash- got the cheque for Rs. 59,000/- each on 28th May of 2010 on the instructions of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. When I asked them to…

  • Morality of the workers in India

    By Parmanand Pandey I am a victimised employee of a newspaper organisation. After victimisation I decided that I would use my law degree to fight for the cause of workers only; within and outside courts as well. The mode of fighting for the workers would be through trade unionism and legal cases. It is a…

  • Justice Balakrishnan’s appointment as NHRC Chairman is uninspiring

    Appointment of Justice K. G. Balakrishnan as the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission was spawned by TINA (There is no alternative) factor. In fact, this post has been lying vacant for the last more than a year after the retirement of Justice S Rajendra Babu. The main pre-requisite for the appointment to the…

  • Justice Kapadia’s first day as CJI was distressing

    By Parmanand PandeyOn assuming the august office of the Chief Justice of India on 11th of May, 2010, Justice S. H. Kapadia did two important things, one; he disposed off 39 Special Leave Petitions in 30 minutes that means, he took less than a minute for disposing off a petition. And the second thing which…

  • Justice Kapadia’s first day as the CJI was disappointing

    By Parmanand Pandey On assuming the august office of the Chief Justice of India on 11th of May, 2010, Justice S. H. Kapadia did two important things, one; he disposed off 39 Special Leave Petitions in 30 minutes that means, he took less than a minute for disposing off a petition. And the second thing…

  • MF Hussain’s Act is a Disgrace to Freedom and Liberty

    By Parmanand Pandey It is really shocking and unfortunate that MF Hussain, a famous painter has, with his own volition; decided to relinquish the Indian citizenship to become the citizen of Qatar, an Islamic country, where freedom of expression is as removed as the sky is from the earth. As a matter of fact, singing,…