Author: Parmanand Pandey

  • Books not to be banned on hue and cry of vested groups

    Parmanand Pandey No other literary book, in recent years, has created so much controversy and organized opposition as ‘One Part Woman’ of a Tamil writer Dr. Perumal Murugan. Although its opposition was confined mainly to Tamilnadu, yet it was quite intense and violent as well. Governments in our country are known for buckling under pressure…

  • Uniform Civil Code, Panacea to End Unfair Personal Laws

    Parmanand Pandey Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has become a highly contentious issue in our country, thanks mainly to pusillanimity of political leadership. This controversy has been raging right from the time of independence or even before that. The latest trigger is the Central Government has asked to the Law Commission of India to examine the…

  • Transgenders’ Are ‘Third Gender’ And Have The Right To Live With Dignity

    By Parmanand Pandey Advocate Transgenders or Hijras or Eunuchs have generally been discriminated ridiculed, humiliated and insulted and jeered in the society. They are often subjected to inhuman treatments. Thanks to the Supreme Court of India, now they have the constitutional guarantee to live with full human dignity. In the acclaimed case of ‘Legal Services…

  • Opposition of Ghar Vaapasi is Illogical

    The Rajya Sabha, the elder house of the Indian Parliament, has not been transacting any business for the last many days. It is adjourned after almost sitting of half an hour and the adjectives like, pandemonium uproarious and noisy scenes etc. have become common to describe the situation in the Upper House. The members representing…

  • Should media persons play the role of judges?

    ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ is a cliché. That is why, a wag has said in a seminar at Mumbai that ‘why not appoint the media persons as the judges in all courts?’  In his view, trial by media is most inexpensive and expeditious way of delivery. There is a no need for the police…

  • Kiss of Love or Kiss of Shame

    The supporters of ‘Kiss of Love’ are seen wearing a shirt these days, which is emblazoned with a slogan that in India ‘you can piss in public, but not kiss in public’. Obviously, these ardent supporters of the ‘Kiss of Love’ campaign that is raging across Kochchi to Culcutta and Delhi to Dibrugarh believe more…

  • Demonisation of Deepawali

    Deepawali, which was celebrated yesterday with zeal and fervor, has but left a bad taste or (shall I say a trail?) of sickening noise and air pollution. It has brought at naught the laudable ‘Swachchha Bharat Campaign’ of the Prime Minster Narendra Modi. I do not know what happens to the sensitivity of the people,…

  • ‘half girlfriend’, A Riveting Book

    I am a slow reader and that is why, almost ten days back, my younger son Utkarsh gave me ‘half girlfriend’, the latest book of Chetan Bhagat and I took five days to finish it. In fact, I steal time for such readings and can afford the luxury of reading any book, magazine or even…

  • Is it fair journalism?

    On Sunday evening, I was leisurely watching news on different news channels, when suddenly my cell phone rang. The lady speaking from the other side wanted to know of my reaction about the alleged attack on TV Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai outside the Madison Square in New York. I simply told her that our…

  • Rajdeep , this is not done!

    On Sunday evening, I was leisurely watching news on different news channels, when suddenly my cell phone rang. The lady speaking from the other side wanted to know of my reaction about the alleged attack on TV Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai outside the Madison Square in New York. I simply told her that our…