Author: Parmanand Pandey

  • L’affaire Tanvi Seth: MEA Must Come Clean

    Caesar’s wife must be above board but what would you say when the judge pronounces the judgement without hearing the arguments? This is what has happened L’affaire Tanvi Seth. By releasing the report of the so-called enquiry after fifteen days after the incident, the External Affairs Ministry has not inspired any confidence in the public.…

  • Nation Wants to Know Why Tanvi Seth was Issued Passport in Tearing Hurry?

    Can anyone be converted from one religion to the other within five minutes of heated exchange of words? This is well-nigh impossible, but it is what a couple-Tanvi Seth and her husband Anas Siddiqui-makes us believe, that too, after 12 years of their marriage. The lady Tanvi Seth has alleged that an official of the…

  • ‘Infidel’stresses Islam to come out of mental cage

    By and large, all religions are repressive. Some religions, however, provide more space and freedom for agreements or disagreements and debates and discussions but Islam is the one such religion that does not yield even an inch of disagreement. There is no room for any debate or discussion in it. You must blindly follow what…

  • SC Must Stem Rot Before It Stinks

    The Supreme Court of India is best with galore of controversies. At the beginning of this year, four of its senior most judges- Jasti Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, Madan B. Lokur and Kurian Joseph- held a Press Conference saying that ‘all is not well’ in the Supreme Court of India. This triggered the opposition parties to…

  • Stop Barbaric Practice of ‘Honour Killing’: S. C.

    It is true that love knows no boundaries, but it is equally true that there are many enemies of the true love. The biggest obstacles that have been coming in the way of the love of two adult couples in the recent years are the Chap panchayats. These Khap Panchayats of Haryana, Rajasthan and western…

  • ‘Living Will’ to Die With Dignity

    The legend goes that Dharmaraj Yudhisthir told Yaksha that the greatest wonder is that whosoever is born will have to die but nobody wants to believe it. The five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court recently delivered a judgment, laden with philosophical conundrums, ethical values, and legal scopes. Many a time it is the same…

  • Farmers to be Free from Vicious Debt Trap

    In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court of India has declared that farmers’ loan would not be covered by Banking Regulation Act. This will give huge relief to the farmers as they have been committing suicides in frustration and heavy indebtedness. The verdict of the bench of Justice R.F. Nariman and Navin Sinha has been…

  • Implementation of Child Protection Laws Still a Mirage

    There are Acts and laws galore for the welfare and holistic development of children but most of them remain unimplemented, be it Prevention of Child Labour Act, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act or Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. That is why; the Supreme Court of India taken to task the…

  • Delayed Justice – Sad Reflection on the System

    ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ is such an oft-repeated maxim as it has lost its impact on the common litigants in India. There is no gainsaying that the rule of law cannot exist without effective judicial system, which is capable of enforcing rights in a timely manner that inspires the public confidence in the administration…

  • Let Volcanic Eruption in the Supreme Court be a Blessing

    Sometimes blessings come in disguise. The sanguine hope is that the volcano that has erupted in the Supreme Court of India on 12th of January in an unprecedented press conference of four seniormost puisne judges will bring good results for the catharsis of the judiciary. It was like a tremor in the Indian judicial history…