Murders most foul in Uttar Pradesh: Akhilesh must go

The gruesome murder after rape of two teenage girls in Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh sends shock waves across the country and beyond .Any human being will shudder with the repulsion over the ghastly manner in which the two innocent girls were firstly raped and then strangulated to death . As if it was not enough ,the beasts were emboldened to hang those hapless victims to the branches of a mango tree. Their dead bodies were found hanging by their family members.What is most shocking is that when the parents of those girls approached the police to search their daughters, the policemen told them that they could get their bodies after two hours hanging to a tree. The police in the dispensation of Akhilesh Yadav could have become so insensitive was unimaginable. Instead of commiserating and sympathizing with the family members and immediately swinging into action they showed the utter irresponsibility and criminality in discharging their duties.

The Ahiklesh Yadav government has not only failed but it has shamed the state, the country and the entire humanity by its misdeeds and inactions. This government has done nothing for the people of state to alleviate their sufferings but it has certainly drowned itself in the deep vale of shame , which has further added insult to injury of the people by the stupid , heartless and mindless utterances of the Chief Minister and his family members.The Samajwadi Party, which has now become a rump after the recent Lok Sabha elections and is confined to only the family of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav has lost trust of all sections of the society.

It may not the out of place to mention that during the recent Lok Sabha elections Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav defended the rapists and goondas by one of his idiotic and preposterous speeches in which he had said that “boys will be boys. They will be committing mistakes. Even if they have committed the mistake of raping a girl, they cannot be put to gallows.” This is the clear mirror of the criminal mentality of a person who has unfortunately been the Chief Minister of a largest state of the country for three times. He also happened to be the Defence Minister of India for a short time. Responsibility, restraint and moderation is not the virtue of Mulayam Singh Yadav, his family members or even of the top leadership of his party. They do not know as to what they speak because they are intoxicated with power. These lumpens came to power not because of any leadership qualities or any ideological zeal but because of the narrow castiest and communal politics. Everybody knows how Mulayam Singh Yadav and his family members have sucked the state white and amassed wealth by diverting the state funds, arm twisting ,extortion and and bribe taking.

Regrettably,this young Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ahkilesh Yadav has crossed all limits of puerility. When media persons asked him why the state was not taking care of the safety and security of the people? He shot back on the reporter that have you also been attacked? When the media person replied in negative then the Chief Minister fatuously said, thank you. Can it be the behaviour of a Chief Minister in senses? Most certainly NOT. It will be an understatement that the Chief Minister has failed to govern the state and if he has left any sense of self-respect and conscience, he should resign from his post and go for sel-introspection.

The funny behaviour of his other family members and top leaders of his party further mercilessly rubs salt on the injuries of the people. His two other infamous uncles -Shiv Pal Yadav, who is a minister in Uttar Pradesh and Ram Gopal Yadav, who is a Rajya Sabha member have also defended the rapist and goondas. No amount of logic or persuasion can help these people to see the reason because they have blind with power. Shri Ram Gopal Yadav has blamed the media for the anarchy and law and order problem in the state. He unabashedly said that normally in such cases boys and girls fall in love with each other and when something goes wrong in their relationships then the girls give the colour of rape.
Nothing can be farther from the truth than the senseless and shameless statement by this leader about the spine-chilling incidences of rapes and murders. The other leaders of the party like Shiv Pal Singh Yadav and Mohd. Azam Khan do not lag behind in passing the senseless comments. It appears that there is a competition in the Samajvadi Party to make silly statements and steal the limelight for all wrong reasons. It appears as if that even small time leaders of the party are vying with each other to make statements which please to their party bosses.

Uttar Pradesh is a cursed state. Sometimes dacoits make the hay while the sun of the politicians shines . Other times the general public is harassed by the goons and agents of two political parties namely; the BSP of Mayawati and the SP of Mulayam Singh . The story of these leaders is that of rags to riches. These leaders ,who were not in position to afford a bicycle when they started their political careers but now they have become the masters of thousands of crores of rupees in a span of less then twenty five years. These leaders, although, have been professing for Socialism and Dalit cause but in actual politics they have always played the politics of caste and creed coupled with insatiable greed to remain in power.

The trends of the recent Lok Sabha elections have pleasantly and surprisingly dismantled all the cobwebs of castes and creeds, so assiduously built by the selfish and myopic leaders,be they from Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party or even the Congress Party. The emergence of the Narendra Modi by shaking and destroying the caste and creed equations to become the tallest leader of the country is, no doubt,a happy development. But in the meantime Akhilesh must go lock, stock and barrel at least for some years.