Author: Parmanand Pandey

  • Pandas are Terrorists

    Religion is the opium of masses, so said Karl Marx one of the greatest modern thinkers. Be that as it may, the people across the world think the religion, an article of faith and that is why; people throng to temples, mosques, churches, pagodas, gurdwaras and cathedrals. If we took at the number of non…

  • Slough off Working Journalists Act

    In the absence of ‘sunset clause’ in our legal set up, we have to often face innumerable new set of problems, which crop up due to the surging pace of technology, generational gap and growing population. Our Working Journalists Act, 1955 is afflicted with similar problems. When this Act was passed by Parliament on the…

  • Azamgarh: Nursery of Terrorism

    A few years ago there was a report published in some newspapers that hundreds of crore of Rupees lying unclaimed in the Azamgarh branch of State Bank of India. On a further investigation it was learnt that most of the money was sent from abroad mainly from Gulf countries to be used for Hawala purposes.…

  • Rot in the legal profession

    Delhi High Court enjoys a distinct reputation among all High Courts of the country as far as the efficient functioning and the quality of the judgements are concerned. Most of the judges are reasonable, indulgent to patient hearing and judicious in handing down the verdicts. Only yesterday i.e.21st August 2008 the bench of Justice Manmohan…

  • Lawyers or law breakers

    Lawyers are small unrighteous souls’, said Plato long ago and this image about them is almost etched on the minds of the people all over the world. But at the same it is also true that lawyers have always been in the forefront in voicing against the corruption, exploitation and arbitrariness and vigorously fought for…