Author: Parmanand Pandey

  • Has Hemant Karkare’s martyrdom gone waste?

    Horrendous terrorists, attack on Mumbai’s Hotel Taj & Trident, Nariman Point and Chharapati Shivaji Railway Terminal on 26/11 has left a deep scar on the psyche of the people. Innumerable questions are flying thick and fast from all four corners of the country and abroad as well. The role of Pakistani army is despicable and…

  • Legal aid to suspected terrorists be deprecated

    The principle of natural justice is audi alteram partem i.e. nobody should be condemned unheard. The logical extension of this theory is that everybody should be provided with legal aid to defend himself or herself in the court of law so as to prove his/her innocence. He or she should have the freedom to engage…

  • Mockery of Labour Laws

    Today’s newspapers are splashed with the news of the bludgeoning to death of the Managing Director and the Chief Executive Director of a NOIDA based Multi National Company by a 200 strong armed mob of dismissed workers. It is sad news by all means. Three months ago, Italian MNC Graziano Transmission lay off 200 workers.…

  • Stringent anti-terror law needed

    India is considered to be one of the softest states in the world. It is mired in innumerable laws, rules, regulations and policies divided by castes, classes and religions. Unity in diversity is more a slogan than a fact. There is no political will to implement any law in its letter and spirit. Nationalism, patriotism,…

  • Deal Sternly with Ruffians like Raj Thackeray

    Maharashtrians have always been known for their broad nationalistic outlook. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is not only in the folklores of Maharashtra but of the whole country mainly because of the eulogia composed by a Bhatta Brahmin of Uttar Pradesh — Bhushan. The bravery, valour and sterling character of Shivaji Maharaj is taught to school children…

  • Corruption Galore in Judiciary

    The news about the corrupt activities and misconduct of Justice Soumitra may not shock the conscience of many in the judiciary but it has certainly further eroded the confidence and respect of the general public towards this great institution. The constitution makers had never thought that the future judicial officers and Hon’ble judges of High…

  • Make Kosi a Boon not a Bane

    Bihar is again in the news because of its sorrow that is known as river Kosi. This time it has inundated thousands of square kilometre of Bihar leaving a trial of death and destruction. Lakhs of inhabitants of the state are in grip of floods. Bihar has always been a Cinderella for Central rulers. State…

  • BJP, Congress: Both Embrace Illegality

    Delhi is not a full-fledged state yet. The demand for full statehood has been long pending. It was only 15 years ago Delhi was given a Vidhan Subha (Legislative Assembly) but most of the important departments like Police and the DDA are still in the hands of the Central Government. Apart from it, the Municipal…

  • Is Indian Railways on Tracks?

    Indian railways is going to post a profit of 60,000 crore Rupees in the present financial year. Anybody and everybody will feel elated with wonderment because this is happening possibly for the first time in the history of railways after independence. Railways are leviathan and perhaps the largest employer, next only to security forces, in…

  • Stop Fraudulent Proselytizing

    Proselytizing is not new to India. It has been going on for centuries. Verily speaking, the conversion from one religion to other religion can go on only in democratic and tolerant societies or countries. This is a good sign for flourishing of different religions which can compliment and supplement to one another. But the way,…