Month: April 2021

  • Agartala DM needs psychiatric treatment

    Agartala District Magistrate Shailesh Kumar Yadav deserves to be pitied and needs to be sent to a mental asylum. What he has done, on the night of the day before yesterday, to spoil the joyous wedding celebrations at two places can be done only by an insane person and not by the one who is…

  • Modi’s Address to Combat Covid is Re-assuring

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s twenty minutes address to the nation the last night was highly reassuring. The forces that have been busy spreading negativity, lies and canards about Covid -19 must have got tight slaps on their face after Modi’s address. These were the people, who were cursing the government last year for foisting lockdown…

  • Excavation of Gyanvapi will unearth reality: a Welcome Order

    Think for a moment that if Rakhal Das Banerji and John Marshall of Archaeological Survey of India had not undertaken the excavations of Harappa in 1922, would it have been possible for the whole world to know about Mohen jo-Daro and the Indus Valley Civilisation that existed thousands of years ago? The world would have…

  • Yogi has Come With Flying Colours

    Yogi Adityanath’s name will be written in golden letters for reining the anti-social elements, goondas and mafia dons, who had infested the entire state of Uttar Pradesh during the long misrule of all parties. There is still a lot to be done but even then, what he has done has, undoubtedly, brought huge relief to…