Contempt Notice To Justice Katju-How It Unfolds.
Anybody, who has seen Justice Katju on the Supreme Court bench and has been following his writings in newspapers and blogs after his retirement would hardly have any doubt that he often goes berserk, unreasonable and facetious. The recent example is his offer to Pakistan of giving Kashmir along with Bihar. Very recently he made…
By: Parmanand Pandey ‘Equal pay for equal work’ is the underlying principle of the constitution of India as enshrined in Articles 14 and 39(d). Although our constitution came into force some 66 years ago yet the equality is elusive and the discrimination continues in many fields. In certain areas women are still paid less than…
Books not to be banned on hue and cry of vested groups
Parmanand Pandey No other literary book, in recent years, has created so much controversy and organized opposition as ‘One Part Woman’ of a Tamil writer Dr. Perumal Murugan. Although its opposition was confined mainly to Tamilnadu, yet it was quite intense and violent as well. Governments in our country are known for buckling under pressure…
Uniform Civil Code, Panacea to End Unfair Personal Laws
Parmanand Pandey Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has become a highly contentious issue in our country, thanks mainly to pusillanimity of political leadership. This controversy has been raging right from the time of independence or even before that. The latest trigger is the Central Government has asked to the Law Commission of India to examine the…
Transgenders’ Are ‘Third Gender’ And Have The Right To Live With Dignity
By Parmanand Pandey Advocate Transgenders or Hijras or Eunuchs have generally been discriminated ridiculed, humiliated and insulted and jeered in the society. They are often subjected to inhuman treatments. Thanks to the Supreme Court of India, now they have the constitutional guarantee to live with full human dignity. In the acclaimed case of ‘Legal Services…
Status of Parliamentary Secretaries vis-à-vis ‘Office of Profit’
The Bill for the appointment of the 21 Parliamentary Secretaries by Arvind Kejriwal’s Government of Delhi, which has since been rejected by the President of India, is certainly going to be a case of big constitutional fight. The question will hover around whether these Parliamentary Secretaries, who have been appointed from among the MLAs, hold the…
Defamation laws are anachronistic to Fundamental Rights
Is defamation of a person crime against the society? What should have the primacy- punishment for the defamation of a citizen or fundamental right of freedom and speech-in a democratic country as ours? Should defamation cases be dealt by the state as a crime or it should be treated as a civil wrong for which…