Month: April 2013


     By Parmanand Mahatma Gandhi’s signal contribution to annihilation of untouchability is unprecedented. Frankly speaking, no serious attempt was ever made to root out the inhuman and senseless practice of untouchability before Mahatma Gandhi. It is beyond our comprehension as from when the practice of untouchability started in the Hindu society. It is also a matter…

  • Bane of Hindu Society

    By: Parmanand Pandey Division of Hindu society on the lines of Varnas and castes has made it completely hollow. This division, practiced and perpetuated for centuries, has made it so weak that it is unable to withstand any onslaught from outside and that is why myriad of evils and vices have set in this religion.…

  • Attacks on Mamta Banerjee in Delhi had streaks of Fascism

     By: Parmanand Pandey Attacks on West Bengal Chief Minister Kumari Mamta Banerjee and State’s Finance Minister Amit Mitra on 8th April before the gate of the Planning Commission in the high safety zone of New Delhi is not only sad and reprehensible but it also raises some disturbing questions. Firstly; why the goons of the CPI(M)…

  • Supreme Court Judgment on Cancer Drugs is Laudable

    The Supreme Court of India has delivered a historic judgment which will provide a huge relief to thousands of cancer patients in India. Through this verdict the Court has allowed the suppliers to continue making generic copies of a cancer fighting drug Novartis Glivec. At present it costs more than Rs. one lakh per month…

  • Historic Supreme Court Judgement

    By Parmanand Pandey The Supreme Court of India has delivered a historic judgment which will provide a huge relief to thousands of cancer patients in India. Through this verdict the Court has allowed the suppliers to continue making generic copies of a cancer fighting drug Novartis Glivec. At present it costs more than Rs. one…